Music City Old School MTG


Announcing – Music City Old School SUMMER SLAM

Greeting, fellow Old Schoolers! This spring and summer has been been difficult to say the least what with the ‘rona going around and keeping us all inside. Due to public safety concerns, Bootleggers Ball 2020 was cancelled, along with the rest of everything. As other MTG events have moved online in a downsized fashion, we here in Music City thought we’d do the same. But it isn’t a BLB without being able to hang in...


Stuck in Ovaltine: Scryings Stompy, U-Bru’s, and Secret Decoder Rings

It’s about 10:30 and I’m watching n00bCOM in 2-3 minute intervals while drinking lukewarm coffee and trying to finish up some work before I say fuck Friday. Meanwhile, my two kids are swimming around with ferocious amounts of energy. I’ve just finished tutoring my daughter as she is out of school for the rest of the year and she is now ready to rage. However, my son has been raging for quite some time and...



Well, I sure am glad 2019 is over. Rough year. We’ve been doing the same ol’, same ol’ down here. Had a couple meet ups and steadily adding warriors to the fold. I’ve taken a bit of a breather from cards lately. After the AA winter tournament the holidays caught up with me, but I’ve been stewing up some things these past couple of weeks. I have a very fun mediocre mono Green ramp deck...


De Mysteriis Dom Titania Part I

Part I: The Birth of a Goddess In the Mind of the All-Consciousness, there came forth the Word. From the Word, came Light. Set apart from Light was Darkness, and so the One became Two, and the Universe was manifest. The Heavens were set apart from the Earth. In the Heavens were suspended the stars and celestial bodies, the Planets, the Sun and the Moon. And to the Earth was given the Air and the...


A Bootleggers Christmas: Alpha-Alliances Tournament Report

The weather was temperate this past Saturday, although the gray skies and wind posed as a very cold winter day. Our crew assembled on the front steps of Tennessee Brew Works for our third annual Christmas Tournament, A Bootleggers Christmas.  We decided way back that these annual Christmas events would be close Music City friends and family only. An invite tournament sort of, but mostly just a gathering of friends. It started at The Lion’s...


Old School 93/94/95/96/97: Scryings

When I started playing Magic as a kid around 1997, I eventually worked up the courage to break the threshold of Warlord Comics, my small hometown’s only comic book store. Just slightly bigger than a closet and constantly filled with cigarette smoke and the musk from the previous nights’ D&D campaign, it was where I really learned to play the game. I remember the first time I went in to try and play with someone,...


Get Maul’d: A Middle School Tournament Report

Music City’s first Middle School tourney is in the books. As expected, it was a great time. We have a small MS group and were able to pull 9 players to the event after a drop, leaving us with a bye. To follow suit with other MS tournament reports, I’ll stray away from deck pics/lists. I do enjoy seeing deck pictures, but with this being such a new format, it’s nice to keep some of...


On the Path of Return

The nuance of this game as a competitive format is beyond me. I don’t know what the best deck is, I don’t know who won what or what latest controversy has ignited the latest iteration of the same old debates from four years ago. I don’t have an opinion as to what is the preferable number of Strip Mines nor can I give you advice on how to design a sideboard for the current meta....


I Won Players Ball and Had Fun Doing it

Okay, so right out of the gate, I didn’t win the 2019 Old School Players Ball. That honor went to mage West, who ran what amounts to a white burn deck that forces you to play 24 rounds of Magic in an 8-round tourney. That tale is recounted here: When I say I won, I mean that my expectations for the day–and the entire weekend–were far exceeded. From the Friday night hangout and my fellow...


Live from Ditkas: Da Players Ball ’19

Brief rundown on Players Ball 19! Hell of a time. Before I get into it, I’d like to give a big shout out to elder Music City brother CayC.E. for snagging 5th place with his barn burner UGW deck and to sister Joy Gonzalez for taking 2nd place most creative with her Sorry, here’s a Sorrows Path deck. Great people with awesome decks that got credit where it was due. Players Ball is my only travel...