May 31, 2018

Into the South: Bootleggers Ball Report

I awoke surrounded by my gang of goblins. Some lifeless while others drearily emptied their bags of broken daggers into the canyon, visibly shaken by underworld dreams. As they packed up their remaining grenades, we said nothing to each other and parted ways. We did well, coming in second place behind lord Jaco. The tournament was a success and exceeded all of our expectations. There were 22 players hailing from 8 different states, including Gordon skyping in from Sweden. The skype games went well, and luckily never disconnected, although it was a bit laggy. I’m extremely grateful for everyone I met and hung out with. All super nice people that I hope to see again. I’m going to keep the report short and to the point and exclude deck lists to take back the mystique among other reasons. So here it is, Music City’s Bootleggers Ball final standings:


  1. Jaco-5c Underworld Dreams
  2. Derek Walker-Cheapguy Red
  3. Nathan Mullen-Titania’s Prison
  4. Matt Moss-Grixis Atog
  5. Josh Burgoa-RUG Berserk
  6. Michael Barger-White Weenie
  7. Carter Petray-Mono Green
  8. Shane Mott-Black/Red
  9. Brendon Bowersox-The Keeper
  10. Zack Bowersox-White Weenie
  11. Ben Triola-RUG Zoo
  12. Gordon Andersson-Turbo Fog
  13. Russel Gribbel-Blue Thunder
  14. Charlie Hahn-UWG Sinbad’s Adventure
  15. Patrick Quinn-Mono Black
  16. Carlos Irizarry-RWGb Midrange
  17. Ryan Rudolph-3c Titania’s Control
  18. Cayce Grissom-UR Counter Burn
  19. Stephen Maldonado-RUG Zoo
  20. Jeramy Snyder-EhrnaGeddon
  21. Chip Reed-Pink Weenie
  22. Geoff Harlow-RUW


Thank you again to everyone who came out and to the communities who pitched in loot (Shaman Ben, Mike Lupo, SoCal). Also a big thanks to the rest of the Music City players who helped in putting all of this together. Would not have happened without everyone’s help. We’re hoping to do this again next year and maybe something with a spin on it in the near-ish future. Check out the action below. Ramble on.




And now we dance.



Nathans Titania Prison deck doing work.



Cyace Grissom vs. Nathan Mullen.



Gordon throwing Fogs of all types from Sweden.









Gotta do what you gotta do.



The brothers brawl. Bowersox x2.




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1 Response

  1. June 6, 2018

    […] some of the “core” cards can be trimmed. Nathan Mullen also recently placed 3rd in the Bootlegger’s Ball with a three-color fully-powered […]