Kumite IV - Organizer's Report

By CayceG on August 09, 2021

Today we have a guest post from Dread Pirate Tim himself. He brings us the summary of the legendary Kumite IV...

DISCLAIMER - The following tournament report was written prior to hearing about the positive tests for COVID-19 within the attendees of the Kumite event. In hindsight we should have done more, such as requiring masks while not eating/drinking and asking all in attendance to have their vaccinations so that we could better do our part in managing the risk of spreading the disease. While we all want to get back to times of bro hugs, late nights slinging cards, and gathering from multiple states, there are still risks associated with all of these activities which can be deadly. This is a reminder that we cannot yet be lax in our actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The primary defenses that we have in masks and vaccinations are things that we need to take seriously, in particular if we are going to be gathering in person. We all need to manage our own risks, but when anyone starts imposing the risk they've taken on others they will be around, there is a different level of consideration to take. Lets all do our part to look out for those that we will be meeting with in person by trying to manage the risks as best as we are able. Wear a mask and get vaccinated.

Kumite IV has brought together 37 Old Schoolers from across the Midwest and from wild lands beyond like Tennessee and Kansas. This event is later in the year than when we would typically hold the Kumite, but with the way things have been going the last 18 months we’re just glad to have been able to host the event in person this year.

Knights TAPlar prepping early

As many OS events are becoming, there was a full weekend of events starting out with a chill gathering at the Dread Pirates house. Pizza, Malort, copious amounts of beer, and some pick up games of OS and MS were all able to be found.

Malort to prepare for the Lords that would need to be overcome the next day
The gathering begins, Magic is afoot when dudes with backpacks be gathering

People from near and far were able to meet in person for the first time with many of those out for Friday night. As has come to be expected within the OS community the buzz and excitement was on full display when groups are able to get together to show off their brews, flipping skills, and sweet cardboard. Not pictured was the wildlife wandering by trying to figure out what these creatures were doing in their typical location. John was stalking a deer that wandered across the road into the neighboring yard and if he had gotten any closer we may have had buckskin playmats for the group and some killer stew for the event.

Charity proceeds from the event totaled $530 to support Andy's Angels, a local charity in Jackson. ( https://andysangels.net/ ) In addition, a special charity event was organized to support the Angell family. Lorrie is fighting terminal cancer, and Taylor Quail donated a fully altered Ukiyo-e style Erhnamgeddon deck to be auctioned off. The auction raised $3,000 dollars to support Lorrie's fight.

MCOS and Ebon Hand throwing down
Going late into the first night

The main event had a little something for everyone with an amazing prize pool. All the prizes were alters donated to the event by people like Quail, Shaman Ben, Nick Viau and Pete Lupo among others. In addition there were some additional prizes for two randomly determined final standings as prints for Dance of the Dead and All Hallow’s Eve, but one of the coolest prizes was a signed copy of Bloodsport on Laser Disc to the first match win of the event.

In a hotly contested event Tom Hagen was able to be the first winner to report in round 1 and claim his prize
Some wall mountable art to compliment the art on the prize cards
Prizes for all tastes
Macho Man even came out of retirement to compete for the belt again

The fighters within this year’s Kumite all brought the heat for 6 rounds of mayhem. Amazing stories were heard buzzing around the venue such as destruction of 14+ basic lands in some mono colored decks to casting Ancestral Recall 5 times within 1 turn. The opportunity for people to gather again brought out their fun, and it was evident by the smiles and laughs all around as people were turning dudes sideways, being offended by their opponents lands and doing things about it, or trying to combo out in some crazy way. Many people were able to finally meet in person someone who they had only been interacting with online and the stories, reunions, and gathering of the people really was the focus of the energy in the room. However there was pride and a belt on the line and competition at the top tables was on to claim that traveling trophy. Ultimately it was Pez who came out on top for a well deserved victory.

The Undisputed Champ
With the lack of in person events the plank was in need of a dusting prior to getting it’s chance to shine once again
More than one deck had a thing against lands at this event. Greedy decks beware
“I hope these dudes get there as I’m not sure I have any other lands to play spells with”
"Have you seen where I put Yawgmoth's Bong?"
Top table action where the serious gatherings occur
Posing with a prize card commissioned for this years Kumite that is a replica of a local mural (altered Force of Nature)
Posing with a prize card commissioned for last years Kumite that is a replica of a local mural (altered Savannah Lions)

The Knights had decided to have a very relaxed policy on proxies, and basically anything went as long as some effort was put into the card so that it was clear to everyone what was going on at any given time on the board. This event was able to demonstrate that with a good attitude and sense of community the cards can be of secondary importance. It was great to see that despite this policy people were still playing the cool stuff that got them excited and the unique expression that everyone was able to have with the selection of their decks, alters, etc. was truly a sight.

How to balance the challenge of getting cards with allowing people to play fun cool things is a challenge that will only get worse with time. I also think it’s important to think of ways to address that so that new blood can join in because I know how much this community means to me and I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of it and have met the people that I have and think it’s only fair that others who would value it as well should be able to join in, but finding out how to do that is a challenge that each group will need to consider so that some of the things (rules lawyering, angle shooting, being a dick, etc.) that OS has been a refuge for do not start creeping in and losing the trust and companionship that I’ve found to be a hallmark of any OS player whether you’ve met them before or not. 

Listed below are the decks from the event in alphabetical order by first name.

Adam Love

Amberly Lupo (decklist missing)

Andrew McLennan
Andrew Raichlin
Brandon Burgoa
Brian Limbacher

Christopher Andorfer (decklist missing)

Craig Winzer
Dan Kelly
David Velasco
Erik Limbacher
Greg Kotscharjan
Ian Blank
Jason Burchett
Jason Paul
Jason Schwartz
Jay Krusac

Jonathan Guillen (decklist missing)

Jonn Gibso
Josh Burgoa
Lorien Elleman
Matt Berg

Nate Barnes (decklist missing)

Nicholas Ireland
Nick Viau
Paul Fiero

Pete Lupo (decklist missing)

Pez Unholy
Rah-jer James
Rob Matthews
Robert Vincent
Shaman Ben
Sonny Tennille
Stephen Moore
Taylor Quail
Todd Davis
Tom Hagen
Final Standings
About the Author

Music City Old School


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Old School 93/94

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